How To Start A Blog & Make It Useful For Your Audience

Content writing is an art. For truly a best quality content, one has to choose words carefully to describe his purpose of writing, feelings & message he wants to convey.
Blogging is the best way to describe your words, feelings and show your knowledge in the form of your writing.
Blog Types:-
Personal Blogs
Mostly, blogs are being created for personal use for example, a journal where people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online.
Business Blogs
With the initiation of the online businesses, blogs have gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online.
The main purpose of business blogs is to provide information and to advertise their products and services in order to increase their sales.
Also, business blogs help promoting the company so that readers know about the company’s existence and its products/services. Blogs are also great way for the entrepreneurs to establish their name in online market among their readers & show them as an expert in their field through articles.
Making Money With Your Blogs
Good money can also be made from blogs through monetizing by promoting affiliate offers, content syndication, with banners, Adsense by google etc.
How Do I Start A Blog?
If you have been thinking about “how do i start a blog? the answer is that Starting your blog is rather easy than you might think but before you start blogging, either for business or for personal purpose, you need to take some points into consideration that will help make your blog one of the interesting ones for your readers.
1. Consider Your Audience
Write for people (Audience), even if your blog is a personal blog, write something that is interesting for your readers and not only for search engines (By saying content for search engines means content that has keywords all over the place and with no planning), Particularly after the latest updates from google search algorithms. Also, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand.
2. Use Pictures As It Speaks A Thousand Words:-
Use pictures in your blog posts as it attracts the attention of your readers. You can also make your blog interactive by placing some video or audio clips in your blog that are relevant to your blog content.
3. Make Your Blog Beneficial And Constructive For Your Readers:-
Write useful content to keep your reader interested in your post. If your blog is about mobile technology, write content that will help your reader improving their knowledge about mobile technology and keep them interested so that they keep visiting your website from time to time. Particularly if your blogging purpose is making money, you need more traffic and repeat visitors & they will only come back if you provide quality and beneficial content to them.
So, for a better blog and more traffic, write content that will not bore your readers, content that keep them interested and improve their knowledge.
Hence Blogs created for different purposes, personal, commercial, business or for whatever else, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.
What You Need To Start Your Own Blog:-
In order to get your blog up and running you need,
- A domain name
- Web Hosting to host your blog
- Blogging software
- Ability to write articles/content for your blog.
Domain Name:-
You need a domain name to represent your blog & your domain name should represent your blog niche, the topic your blog is about.
For example if your blog is about fitness industry, you should register the domain that tells the visitors and search engines that your blog is about health and fitness. A great way to find a suitable domain name is by doing keyword research on google keyword planner. This is also a good way to find domain for Seo purpose.
You can also use your name in your domain name along with your blog topic like if your name is Smith, you can register a domain “” etc.
But if you are a brand name, than you can simply use your brand name in a domain and ignore above two methods.
You can register a new domain from Hostgator
WebHosting Services:-
There are literally thousands of webhosting companies offering their services to host a website but I highly recommend using Host Gator Webhosting. It is an award-winning, low cost and very reliable web hosting provider. You can visit Hostgator Official Website and choose the webhosting plan to suit your needs.
Blogging Software:-
A blogging script (Software) is required to host your blog. For this, WordPress is the best choice. It is very easy to install and use plus there are thousands of free wordpress themes and wordpress plugins you can use to enhance to functionality and customization of your blog.
You can Download WordPress From Its Official Website for Free.
Note:– You can also use Blogger, Tumblr and other free blog hosting services but I always prefer using a self-hosted wordpress blog because it gives you more control that’s why I suggest it above but it is up to you and also many free blog companies don’t allow you to promote different kind of affiliate urls through your blog.
Ability To Write Articles/Content For Your Blog:-
You need to learn how to write quality content and articles, blog post to be able to drive targeted visitors to your website, visitors who love your content and keep visiting your blog regularly.
You can check out this system about writing top quality articles for your blog. It is called 10 Minutes Article System, A 15 section detailed report that will guide you to
- Generating Articles Ideas
- Creating Compelling Titles
- Creating Unique Article Content
Please do checkout my “Online Business Building Resources Section” that contains all the information about how to start your successful online business by using different free as well as paid resources available on the internet.